Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Tattoos, magic, and high school girls seemed like an interesting mix. I’m not a Harry Potter fan, but this book seemed like it might have an edge, and I wanted to get a feel for what some of my students were reading. Now that I’ve finished the book, I have mixed feelings.

The story was fun and easy to follow. The characters were well developed, and I easily connected each of them to students I have known. I really appreciated the fact that these were typical high school girls (not students at a magic school) and being a high school teacher I can attest to the realism of their banter and their personalities. While I found some of the plot predictable, there was definitely an element of mystery as the girls tried to figure out what their powers were and what they had been called upon to do. The end was actually surprising.

That being said, I didn’t love the book. Part of it was that it was about four high school girls, and while I can appreciate their banter and their friendship, it was hard for me to relate to four high school girls. I also found some of the novel to be repetitive, but I would definitely recommend it to any high school girl, whether or not they like magic. Especially if they’re thinking about getting a tattoo.

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