Thursday, February 26, 2009

why do we read?

I think most of my students read because they have to. If they don’t, they’ll fail a quiz or a seminar or a response. It would be nice if students read for pleasure, but they usually don’t get to choose what they are reading. It’s so much harder to enjoy something when you don’t get to choose what it is. I know what music I like. I find it hard to enjoy a song when I’m forced to listen to it, especially if it’s not a style I enjoy. I know what food I like. I can’t imagine going to get Chinese takeout and not getting to choose what I want to eat off the menu. Even if I like Chinese food, I don’t want to be forced to eat something for dinner. Luckily, this class gives students a choice of what they want to read. That’s a good first step.

I read for pleasure, but it’s so hard to find the time. Just like my students, I feel overwhelmed with grad school, grading, planning, and seeing my friends. Again, I feel like this class helps to solve that problem because we spend several days a week reading. I also think that when you read regularly, it’s easier to jump into a book at home when you have some free time. It becomes more comfortable and natural to read.

My poster is quite simple. READ OR DIE. I mean this figuratively of course, but reading helps us see language in a new way, helps us see ourselves in a new way, and helps us see the world around us in a new way. That’s important stuff. Maybe if we don’t read - our minds will die, or our spirits, or our culture. It helps us relate to each other and the world around us. So I’m going to read because I want to live.

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